The Lyceum of the Belarusian-Russian University was founded on the initiative of the rector of the Belarusian-Russian University Professor I. S. Sazonov with the support of the Head of the Mogilev City Executive Committee V. I. Shorikov according to the Regulations on the Lyceum's activities approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
This is an educational institution of general secondary education, which is intended to provide general secondary education at a higher level, taking into account interests and abilities of students. General education is combined with subject oriented education for students of 10-11 grades according to areas of study and majors of the University.
The Lyceum of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education “Belarusian-Russian University” was founded on February 19, 2003, according to the Decision of Mogilev City Executive Committee.
The Lyceum building is located at: 212030 Mogilev, ul. Leninskaya, 61.
The Lyceum admits students who completed 9-th grade and are residents of the city of Mogilev.
The Lyceum provides training in the following areas:
• “Modern Machines and Technology”; • "Robotic Systems and Electronic Devices"; • “Modern Information Technologies”; • "Economic Informatics and Cybernetics".
The teachers of the highest and first categories work in the Lyceum, many of them have completed postgraduate programs. Courses in specialist fields are held by teachers of the Belarusian-Russian University -PhD degree holders, assistant professors. Lessons and practical training are held at the University facilities. Winners and holders of scholarship of the Special Presidential Fund for Social Support of Gifted Students are among the Lyceum graduates.