A.V. Khomchenko, Doctor of Physics & Mathematics.
O.E. Kovalenko, PhD in Physics & Mathematics,
I.Y. Primak, PhD in Physics & Mathematics,
A.V. Shulga, PhD in Physics & Mathematics,
V.G. Guzovsky, PhD in Physics & Mathematics (RF),
E.V. Glazunov, engineer (GNPO Planar, Minsk)
A.N. Vasilenko, assistant lecturer,
I.A. Korneyeva, assistant lecturer,
P.Y. Chudakovsky.
Main research findings:
The experimental foundations of waveguide spectroscopy of thin films were developed, including the methods and tools for measuring linear and nonlinear spectral optical parameters of thin films. New methods to measure parameters of thin films were proposed, namely, the spatial Fourier spectroscopy of guided modes and the technique based on recording the angular dependence of the reflection coefficient of a light beam at excitation of the guided or leaky modes in the structure under investigation. Measuring devices were created. The techniques for the formation of anisotropic thin-film waveguides were developed along with the methods for testing the parameters of thin-film structures and laser beams.
New effects of the giant optical nonlinearity in thin films at low light intensity and the self-modulation of reflected laser radiation were discovered in the case of excitation of guided modes of the thin film.
High photosensitivity of some quantum-sized systems was discovered; the peculiarities of their band structures, photoconductivity and absorption spectra, volt-ampere, lux-ampere and time characteristics were investigated; the basic mechanisms of the effect of electric field and low-intensity laser radiation on their optical characteristics were established.
New technique of photomodulation spectroscopy was proposed to determine optical constants of thin films and their photoinduced changes.
Alexander Vasilyevich Khomchenko
Phone: +375222253674