The second day of the Mogilev Science Festival (May 6, 2021) featured exhibitions, entertainment events and competitions as well as popular lectures by experts of the largest IT companies of Belarus.
The second day of the Festival was opened with the exhibition-demonstration “Science of Yesterday and Today”, at which young scientists and students of Mogilev universities, partners and organizers presented their advanced technologies and scientific developments.
The exhibition was attended by Valery Malashko, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee, Andrey Zablotsky, Head of the General Directorate for Education of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee, and representatives of organizations and enterprises. The Rector of the University Mikhail E. Lustenkov showcased the Belarusian-Russian University’s scientific achievements in the field of engineering and information technology.
The guests took part in the inauguration of the academic and experimental laboratory “Additive Technologies in Production”, equipped with specialized instrumentation needed to design and manufacture products using three-dimensional technologies.
The contest “Battle of Robots” brought together young roboticists. The contests were held in two categories: “Robosumo” and “Kegelring-quadro”.The participants assembled and programmed Lego robots. Students of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums demonstrated their knowledge and skills and competed for the awards at the International Drawing Olympiad “GRAPHO-2021” and the Mogilev City Olympiad in Materials Science and Materials Technology.
The creative contest “Battle of Creativity” and the intellectual and entertaining quiz game “Brandomania” were held as part of the Youth Forum “Marketing-NEXT”.
Participants of the Regional Programming Olympiad were able to test their IT knowledge and skills. This year, the event was attended by college and secondary school students.
The Financial Forum featured the Olympiad in financial literacy, financial market and consumer protection in financial services as well as the masterclass “Personal finance management in the context of the digitalization of the economy”.
The lyceum of the Belarusian-Russian University hosted the Olympiads in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology for school students of grades 8-9 and career-oriented lectures in the IT field for final year students.
Representatives of the IT companies Artesio, Epam, iTechArt held open lectures for everyone interested in Information technology. The visitors learned about the modern and popular areas of the IT industry and specific features of React Native and Test Automation.