The Mechanical Drive Systems Testing Laboratory of the Multiple Access Center (room 307, building 4), designed for developing and testing mechanical drive systems, has been equipped with the following tabletop machines: a Corvette 403 lathe and a Corvette 48 drilling machine.
In the Laboratory the students majoring in Machine Building Technology (1-36 01 01), Machine Building Technology Equipment (1-36 01 03), Automation of Technological Processes and Production (majors in) (1-53 01 01) carry out the following laboratory projects in the Machine Parts course: No. 5-NIR ‘Experimental determination of technical characteristics of a reducer’, No. 6-NIR ‘Experimental determination of endurance limits of teeth according to the permissible contact stresses for a spur gear’.
In the Machine Parts Laboratory (room 409, building 1), benches for testing safety clutches and belt transmission used by students of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Engineering and Economics Faculties for performing laboratory projects have been prepared for the new academic year.