Meeting of the working group of the Technical Committee on Standardization
Meeting of the working group of the Technical Committee on Standardization
Professor of the Industrial and Civil Engineering Department, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Semeniuk Slavik Denisovich took part in the meeting of the working group of the Technical Committee on Standardization (TCS) 08 held at RUE Stroytekhnorm on September 12. During the meeting the following issues were considered:
Consideration of the final draft of Amendment No. 2 of the Technical Code of Common Practice EN 1992-1-1-2009 ‘Eurocode 2. Design of Concrete Structures. Part 1-1. General rules and rules for buildings.’
Consideration of the final version of the draft of Amendment No. 1 of the Standard of Belarus (STB) 2101-2010 ‘Self-Stressing Concrete. Specifications’, developed at the request of RUE Institute BelNIIS in terms of application of testing equipment.
Consideration of the final version of the draft of Amendment No. 1 of the Standard of Belarus (STB) 2173-2011 ‘Concrete and reinforced concrete internal wall panels for buildings. Specifications’ developed at the request of JSC Gomel DSK in terms of adding a requirement regarding an embedded element - a part to be installed in the panel before concrete is poured, intended for installing utilities, fastening equipment (branching and junction boxes, boxes for sockets and switches, etc.), as well as indicators related to technical regulations TR 2009/013/BY.
Consideration of the final version of the draft of Amendment No. 5 of the Standard of Belarus (STB) 1185-99 ‘Concrete and reinforced concrete external wall panels for buildings and structures. Specifications’ developed on the basis of the TCS 08 decision on the rationale for excluding a requirement for periodic fire hazard testing from the STB 1185-99 ‘Acceptance Rules’ section, as well as in connection with the need to update normative references.
Consideration of the necessity to make amendments to the Standard of Belarus (STB) 1112-98 regarding the specification of the procedure for determining water-soluble chlorides contained in the additive.