The performance groups of the Belarusian-Russian University were presented with awards of the Festival ‘ART-Vakatsyi-2018’
The performance groups of the Belarusian-Russian University were presented with awards of the Festival ‘ART-Vakatsyi-2018’
The award ceremony for the participants of the National Student Festival of Creative Arts ‘ART-Vakatsyi-2018’ was held in the Mogilev Drama Theater on May 25.
The performance groups of the University were awarded the following prizes:
First place diplomas:
the contemporary pop dance group Dance Cocktail in the category ‘Pop Dance Group’ (headed by E.V.Porubleva);
the vocal studio Susorye in the category ‘Modern Musical Styles Group’ (headed by A.V.Alekseyeva);
the pop dance group EXCITE in the category ‘Contemporary Dance Group’ (headed by A. Mikheyev );
the music group Dreiser's Canvas (headed by Anastasiya Anisimova);
Mikhail Snarsky in the category ‘Original Genre’
Second place diplomas:
-the theatre group ‘Apelsin’ in the category ‘RECITATION’ (headed by M.V. Vorozhtsov, K.A. Trush, D.M. Shevtsov);
Igor Kurach, Natalia Lazakovich in the category ‘Declamation Group’ (supervisor M.V. Vorozhtsov);
Viacheslav Shved in the category ‘Stand-Up’ (supervisor L.A. Demidova);
-the studio ‘Style and Grace’ in the category ‘Contemporary Theater’ (headed by V. Pantiukhova);
Andrey Esionov in the category ‘Modern Styles Performer’;
-the student theatre of sketches ‘BRUliki’ in the category ‘Sketch Theater’ (headed by M. Lebedev).
Congratulations and best wishes for continued success!