The Forum ‘Contribution of Russian and Belarusian Young People to Preserving the Memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945’ was held in the city of Bryansk on September 15-17
The delegation from the Republic of Belarus consisting of the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Konstantin Dolgiy (ATP-151 group), Vladimir Shchekotov (ATP-151 group), Viacheslav Bortik (SP-161 group) and the student of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics Kirill Fuchs (PIR-151 group) took part in the Forum.
On September 17, Bryansk region celebrated the 75-th anniversary of the liberation from the Nazi invaders. The partisan region celebrated its anniversary on a grand scale by inviting neighbors from many regions of Russia and Belarus, as well as friends from Lithuania, Serbia, Italy, Ukraine and other countries.
The young people from Belarus took an active part in the celebrations in the streets and squares of the regional center. They attended a military parade, where a lot of army hardware and aviation were involved in participation for the first time in Bryansk, went to festive concerts and in the evening watched artillery salutes and fireworks.
In addition, the Belarusian students took part in a grand procession along the main avenue of the city (it gathered up to 150 thousand people) and the solemn meeting ‘Bryansk Street is Victory Road’ in Partisan Square, where they laid flowers at the Monument to the Liberators of Bryansk.
The day before, they went on a sightseeing tour of Bryansk and trips to the Mound of Immortality, ‘Partizanskaya Poliana’ and ‘Hatsun’ Memorial Complexes, where they honored the memory of partisans and innocent people killed by the Nazis.
In the regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after Yu.A. Gagarin the guests had a meeting with representatives of youth organizations of the Bryansk region. The young people shared their experience in organizing and implementing projects in various fields: volunteering, student and sports activities, art and literature, working with children and veterans.