Elena Arkadievna Zaichenko, a senior lecturer of the Automated Control Systems Departmentб has completed a professional development training course at Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University ‘LETI’. According to the results of the training course on the topic ‘Study of teaching methods and organization of the educational process at the Information Systems Department’ (under the supervision of Head of the Information Systems Department Professor V.V. Tsekhanovsky), the laboratory facilities of the Departments of Information Systems, Information Security and Computer Engineering were studied.
In addition, methodological materials for practical and laboratory assign-ments in the disciplines ‘Operating Systems’, ‘Real-Time Systems’, ‘Methods and Means for Protecting Information’, ‘Software Development Technologies’ were obtained. Elena Arkadievna Zaichenko and their colleagues of the Information Systems Department have reached an agreement concerning joint preparation of scientific publications for participation in international confer-ences.