A scientific seminar on examination of PhD theses of postgraduate students of Tomsk Polytechnic University was held on November 19 at the Department of Physical Methods of Control.
Yulia Viktorovna Shulgina and Maria Alekseyevna Kostina, postgraduate students of the Industrial and Medical Electronics Department of Tomsk Polytechnic University, presented their theses. The research supervisor is Doctor of Engineering Professor Aleksei Ivanovich Soldatov.
The seminar was attended by teachers, PhD students, master’s degree students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
The thesis by Yu.V. Shulgina ‘Acoustic Control of the Depth of Exploration and Production Wells in Mining Enterprises’ was presented as a complete paper ready for defense. After the presentation the postgraduate student was asked a lot of questions about the results of the research. Mutual discussion of the questions contributed to the formation of useful recommendations for preparing a future presentation of the theses for the Dissertation Council.
M.A. Kostina presented the main part of her thesis ‘Acoustic Control of Geometric Parameters of Pallets’ for preliminary assessment. After the presentation, the scientific novelty of the results, the chosen object of identification and the main points to be defended were discussed. A lot of useful recommendations and constructive feedback were given to the postgraduate student. In general, the seminar was quite effective and useful for the guests.