Student research papers prepared under the supervision of the associate professor of the Department of Logistics and Production Organization Tatiana Vasilievna Romankova were submitted to the International Competition of Research Papers in the field of Economics. The competition was organized by the scientific organization Professional Science. The competition for undergraduates, Master’s and PhD students was held according to the levels of training, areas of study and categories.
A second place award certificate was given to the forth-year student majoring in 1-27 02 01 ‘Transport Logistics’ Natalia Aleksandrovna Yazubets (group TL - 151) for the research paper in the course ‘Supply Chain Management’ entitled ‘Improving Transport Services of an Industrial Enterprise in Supply Chain’.
A third place award certificate was given to the forth-year student majoring in 1-27 02 01 ‘Transport Logistics’ Tatiana Nikolayevna Ivankova (group TL - 152) for the research paper in the course ‘Supply Chain Management’ entitled ‘Improvement and Optimization of the i-th Participant in the Supply Chain of Products for Agriculture’.
Congratulations to the winners of the International Competition of Research Papers in the field of Economics!