The Belarusian-Russian University took part in the exhibition of Belarusian educational services ‘Knowledge Fair’, which was held on April 22-23, 2019 in the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat. During the exhibition, 20 Belarusian universities presented their services in the field of education.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Turkmenistan Oleg Tabaniukhov, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Rudy, Deputy Minister of Education of Turkmenistan Merdan Govshudov and Rector of the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications Nurnepes Kuliev were present at the opening ceremony of the Knowledge Fair.
At the solemn opening ceremony, letters of appreciation on behalf of Rector of the Belarusian-Russian University were given to the parents of the Turkmen students who demonstrated high academic achievement and were actively involved in social activities during their studies in Belarus. The letters of appreciation were given to the parents and relatives of the following students: Ovez Avezbayev, Sahy Arazov, Arzu Akhmedova, Yagmyr Gurbandurdyiev, Evgeny Dzhorayev, Kerven Paichyiev, Bagul Seyitniyazova, Maksat Khallyiev.
During the exhibition, prospective students and their parents asked questions about studying in Belarus and got detailed information about the procedure for admission. The issue of recognition of higher education diplomas in Turkmenistan attracted the greatest interest.
In 2019, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan developed and approved the Regulation on the procedure for the recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad. The Regulation contains a list of areas of study which will not be recognized in Turkmenistan (it includes only diplomas in economics, social sciences and humanities). The exceptions are universities that are included in the TOP-1000 best universities in the world (as for Belarusian universities, it is the Belarusian State University).
The restrictions do not apply to areas of study that are not included in this list, in particular, engineering specialities. Due to the country’s interest in highly qualified engineering and technical specialists, diplomas in most specialities of the Belarusian-Russian University will be recognized in Turkmenistan. Restrictions on transfer of foreign currency from Turkmenistan and payment in banks of tuition and accommodation fees (living in halls of residence) for future engineering students do not apply as well.
The Regulation on the procedure for the recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad comes into force in 2019 and does not apply to students already enrolled into the university.