The paper of the leading researchers of SimTech Engineering Center of the Transport and Technological Machines Department O.V. Leonenko and A.D. Buzhinsky on the topic ‘Simulating the microclimate of the operator’s working space’ was recognized as one of the best at MILEX.INNOVATIONS-2019. The main focus of the paper is the analysis of the operator’s working space microclimate based on the use of Standards for assessing thermal comfort in a vehicle EN ISO 14505, ASHRAE - 55 and European standard EN ISO 7730, which is used to assess thermal comfort in buildings and is based on Fanger’s theory.
The purpose of the study is the microclimate of the cabin, which, in accordance with the automotive standards, is determined taking into account the presence of a person in it as a heat source. Heat radiation and removal are taken into account as well. Based on the data obtained, a decision on the current state of the microclimate is made. The values of permissible parameters of the microclimate are given in the standards for a group of earth-moving machines, but the method that can be used to achieve them is not specified.
In the paper, a method for simulating the microclimate in the excavator cabin taking into account the dummy is proposed, and the results obtained are analyzed.