On June 24, a graduation projects competition was held in the assembly hall of the Belarusian-Russian University.
In total, eleven projects were submitted to the competition. Each of them deserved attention and met the requirements of the advanced technologies and the modern economy. The competition committee selected the following winners:
the category “Economics” - Georgy Poklad, research supervisor N.P. Dragun, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Economics and Management Department;
the category “Mechanical Engineering” - Aleksey Olentsevich, research supervisor D.M. Svirepa, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department;
the category “Construction” - Evgeny Zubkov, research supervisor V.V. Kutuzov, Ph.D. in Engineering, Head of the Department of Automobile Roads;
the category “Electrical Engineering” - Aleksandr Nikeev, research supervisor S.S. Sergeev, Ph.D. in Engineering, Head of the Department of Physical Methods of Control;
the category “Transport” - Aleksey Bobrov, research supervisor I.V. Leskovets, Ph.D. in Engineering, Head of the Department Transport and Technological Machines.
Congratulations to the winners and best wishes for every success in their future careers!