Head of the Department of Welding Equipment and Technology, Artur O. Koroteev, PhD (Tech), Associate Professor, attended the 26th International Exhibition and Congress “High Technologies. Innovation. Investments (HI-TECH) - 2020”. The event was held in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, on September 17-19, 2020. Two projects developed by the Belarusian-Russian University’s scientists were presented at the Exhibition:
Technology of arc welding of structural steels with double jet coaxial supply of shielding gas medium components.
Technology of controlled inertial impact treatment of smooth cylindrical holes.
The developments presented as full-scale exhibits and accompanied by technical deion aroused great interest among the participants and visitors.
The Exhibition provided a number of opportunities including the following:
According to the results of the competition for the best innovative project and the best research and development project of the year, both developments were awarded certificates and medals:
Technology of arc welding of structural steels with double jet coaxial supply of shielding gas medium components.
Technology of controlled inertial impact treatment of smooth cylindrical holes.