Members of students teams took part in the master class “Youth leadership: a modern view” and the self-presentation “I’m a team member!”
The winners of the regional competition “Work Term -2020” were announced at the solemn award ceremony:
the Labor Office of the Belarusian-Russian University in the category “Labor Offices of BRSM primary organizations of educational institutions”;
the construction team named after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.D. Tereshkov in the category “The Best Construction Team”;
the ‘Titan’ construction team named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M. G. Vladimirov in the category “The Best Student Team engaged in carrying out work on the construction site with the status of the All-Belarusian or regional young people’s construction site”;
Vladislav Lasitsa, the leader of the ‘Titan’ construction team named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M. G. Vladimirov, in the category “The Best Student Team Leader”;
Mikhail Korolev, the co-leader of the ‘Titan’ construction team named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M. G. Vladimirov, in the category “The Best Student Team Co-leader”.
BRSM primary organization