“Unity! Development! Independence!” is the slogan of the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly. Delegates from all over the country unified by a common desire to preserve peace and tranquility, to outline the direction of future development of the Republic of Belarus gathered together in the Palace of Independence.
At the Assembly, the Belarusian-Russian University was represented by Rector M. E. Lustenkov, First Vice Rector Yu. V. Mashin and Secretary of the primary organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Public Association I. P. Shalygina. The delegates discussed the results of the last five-year plan and the program of social development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021-2025. It was an open and frank discussion of the problems involved. All spheres of life of Belarusians were given due consideration. Everyone had the opportunity to express their opinion.
Particular emphasis was placed on improving the quality of education. With regard to the higher education system, the program provides for development of the practice-based approach to teaching and learning process, infrastructure modernization, creation of research and production clusters with the participation of leading universities, changes in the format of the admission campaign and creation of a new generation of universities (University 3.0). Active young people, the driver of the successful development of the Republic of Belarus, are the center of attention. The state youth policy will be aimed at strengthening the role of student self-government and creating conditions for self-realization of students. Education must meet the technological and global challenges of modern society.